Raleigh Rebels Defeats Dodgers in Blow Out Victory Thanks to Second Inning Boost
An eight-run second inning led Raleigh Rebels to a 13-4 victory on Sunday. Joey Sogluizzo, Ken Davidson, Jon Proulx, Todd Koenitz, and Mark Watson each drove in runs during the inning. Dodgers got things started in the first inning. Ron Smith drew a walk, scoring one run.After Raleigh Rebels scored two runs in the top of the sixth, Dodgers answered with two of their own. Raleigh Rebels scored when Watson singled on a 0-1 count, scoring one run. Dodgers then answered when Smith singled on the first pitch of the at bat, scoring one run and Henry (Charlie) Sikes grounded out, scoring one run.Raleigh Rebels pulled away for good with eight runs in the second inning. In the second Sogluizzo singled on the first pitch of the at bat, scoring one run, Davidson singled on the first pitch of the at bat, scoring one run, Proulx singled on a 1-1 count, scoring two runs, Koenitz singled on a 1-0 count, scoring three runs, and Watson drew a walk, scoring one run.Sogluizzo was the winning pitcher for Raleigh Rebels. Sogluizzo went six innings, allowing four runs on five hits and striking out seven. Sogluizzo recorded the last 18 outs to earn the save for Raleigh Rebels.Roger Clemons took the loss for Dodgers. Clemons allowed 12 hits and 11 runs over five innings, striking out five.Raleigh Rebels totaled 14 hits. David Truffelman, Damon Herbert, Koenitz, Robb Morrison, and Proulx each managed multiple hits for Raleigh Rebels. Truffelman went 3-for-3 at the plate to lead Raleigh Rebels in hits. Jim McVitty led Dodgers with two hits in three at bats.